Thank you, Tokyo!

This event will forever hold a place in my heart. We could not have hoped for a more engaged and enthusiastic audience, and we continue to be grateful for the AlmaLinux community in Japan.

--benny Vasquez

Chair, Board of Directors AlmaLinux OS Foundation

AlmaLinux Day: Tokyo

The world's first event focused entirely on AlmaLinux
December 9th, 2023

Internet Initiative Co., Ltd. Seminar Room
13th floor, Iidabashi Grand Bloom, 2-10-2 Fujimi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo

150 guests, 7 speakers, 1 amazing day

Come together to discuss AlmaLinux and the future of enterprise Linux


12:00 - 13:00Registrace
13:00 - 13:40AlmaLinux: Built to Last (AlmaLinux OS Foundation Chair - benny Vasquez) View on YouTube
13:45 - 14:45The Real Backstory of the Enterprise Linux Community (Tuxcare Inc. CEO - Igor Seletskiy) View on YouTube
14:50 - 15:30AlmaLinux Community Activities in Japan - (Cybertrust Japan - Yohei Suzuki) View on YouTube
ČasTrack 1ČasTrack 2
15:40 - 16:40DeepDive Session - Building AlmaLinux OS - (AlmaLinux OS Architect - Andrew Lukoshko) View on YouTube15:40 - 16:20Technical session - The Forefront of AlmaLinux on ARM Server Infrastructure (Hewlett Packard Japan, G.K. OpenSource/Linux Technology Evangelist - Masazumi Koga) View on YouTube
16:45 - 17:25DeepDive Session - The Evolution of SBOMs in AlmaLinux - (AlmaLinux and MIRACLE LINUX Developer - Matthias Kruk) View on YouTube16:25 - 17:05Technical session - Seamless Migration: Transitioning from CentOS 7 to AlmaLinux with Optimal Solutions - (DesigNET Inc. OSS Laboratory general manager - Kimiyoshi Ohno) View on YouTube
17:30 - 19:30Reception with light food and beverages

If you come to one event this year, this is the one for you.

Never has there been a better gathering of AlmaLinux experts. Hear all of the latest about the project, hear from industry experts about the current trends in the enterprise Linux ecosystem, and make connections with the people who can help solve every technology problem you're facing.

An event like no other

AlmaLinux Day Tokyo 2023 je první oficiální akcí AlmaLinux OS Foundation na světě. Tato událost bude shromážděním některých z nejvíce zapojených lidí v komunitě AlmaLinux, stejně jako technologických partnerů z celého světa. Je to nejlepší místo, kde se můžete zapojit a setkat s lidmi, kterým na úspěchu systému AlmaLinux záleží nejvíce. As CentOS Linux enters its final 6 months support, AlmaLinux OS is attracting the most attention as a RHEL-compatible Linux. At this event, speakers from the AlmaLinux OS Foundation will come to Japan to introduce everyone who touches Linux, from trends in the Linux industry to technical information needed when choosing the next Linux to use.

Register now to save your spot!

While the event is free, registration is required for attendance and space is limited!

Meet the Experts

Speakers from across industries

benny Vasquez

benny Vasquez

Chair, Board of Directors AlmaLinux OS Foundation
Igor Seletskiy

Igor Seletskiy

CEO TuxCare
Yohei Suzuki

Yohei Suzuki

Corporate Officer, General Manager of OSS Business Promotion Unit Cybertrust Japan Co., Ltd.
Andrew Lukoshko

Andrew Lukoshko

Release Engineering Lead AlmaLinux
Matthias Kruk

Matthias Kruk

AlmaLinux and MIRACLE LINUX Developer Cybertrust Japan Co., Ltd.
Masazumi Koga

Masazumi Koga

OpenSource/Linux Technology Evangelist Hewlett Packard Japan, G.K.
Kimiyoshi Ohno

Kimiyoshi Ohno

OSS Laboratory general manager DesigNET Inc.

Thank you to our event sponsors!

and to the rest of our project backers!

Amazon AWS
Microsoft Azure
Sine Nomine
OSU Open Source Lab

Can't make it?

Budete nám chybět, ale pokud se nemůžete dostavit na AlmaLinux Day Tokyo, můžete se k nám připojit online! Budeme zveřejňovat videa z přednášek na této akci, abychom je mohli sdílet se všemi.

Header image by Trevor Dobson
